Russian version

Vadim V. Kolesov

V. Kolesov

Science and programming    Publicaions    For my students

South Federal University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don)
Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences
Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

8 A Milchakova street, Rostov-on-Don, Russia 344090


Sphere of activity

Fluid dynamics
The theory of stability
Dynamic systems
Computing experiments


Computer science
Modern programming
The numerical methods
The theory of stability
Mathematics for biologists

Ph.D. Associated Professor
Born: 29-apr-1947
Phone:  (7-863) 297-51-15 (214)

In 2002 Kolesov has become the winner of the premium of the name of the academician G. I. Petrov of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics National Committee of Russian Academy of Sciences for issued reaching in the theory of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence.

In 1978 Kolesov was awarded with Rostov State University's Diploma for the best scientific work in the University.
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