Russian version

Selected publicaions


V. V. Kolesov, A. G. Khopersky, "Non-isothermal Couette-Taylor problem". South. Fed. Univ. Rostov-on-Don, 192 pp. (2009). (In Russian)

V. S. Kryschenko, O. M. Golozubov, V. V. Kolesov, T. V. Rybyanets, "Databases composition and properties of soils". RSEI. Rostov-on-Don, 145 pp. (2008). (In Russian)

V. V. Kolesov, "Introduction to Turbo-Pascal", Rostov State Univ. Rostov-on-Don, 256 pp. (1993). (In Russian)


V. Kolesov, L. Shapakidze, "On oscillatory modes in viscous incompressible liquid flows between two counter-rotating permeable cylinders," Trends in App. Math. to Mech. Chapman & Hall / CRC V. 106, 221-227 (2000).
R. Kolesova, V. Kolesov, M. Kupriyanov, O. Lavrova, "Disorder in the arrangement of atoms in some perovskites," Russian Acad. of Sciences. Physical Ser. V. 64, No. 6, 1097-1100 (2000). (In Russian)
R. Kolesova, V. Kolesov, M. Kupriyanov, R. Skulski, "A study of disorder in arrangement of Pb atoms PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 single crystals above the Curie point," Phase Transitions Vol. 68, 621-629 (1999).
V. V. Kolesov, V. I. Yudovich, "Calculation of oscilatory regimes in Couette flow in the neighborhood of the point of intersection of bifurcations initiating Taylor vortices and azimuthal waves," Russian Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics V. 33, No. 4, 532-542 (1998).
V. Kolesov, "Oscillatory rotationally symmetric loss of stability of nonisothermal Couette flow," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics No. 1, 63-67 (1984).
V. Kolesov, "Occurence of a two-dimensional secondary regime between heated rotating cylinders," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics No. 6, 817-822 (1981).
V. Kolesov, "Calculation of self-oscillations resulting from the loss of stability of a nonisothermal Couette flow," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics No. 3, 344-350 (1981).
V. Kolesov, "Appearing of Taylor vortices between heated rotating cylinders," Sibirian Division of USSR Acad. of Sciences, Journal of Appl. Mechanics and Technical Physics No. 6, 87-93 (1981). (In Russian)
V. Kolesov, "On stability conditions for the nonisothermic Couette flow," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Appl. Math. and Mech. V. 44, No. 3, 311-315 (1981).
V. Kolesov, "Stability of non-isothermal Couette flow," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics No. 1, 167-170 (1980). (In Russian)
The full list of publications includes 3 textbooks and more than 60 scientific papers
published in Russian and international academic and professional journals.
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